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Nebraska Legislature Bill LB 101


About LB 101:

Provide a right to trial by jury under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act

Jury trial is meant to initially delay eviction proceedings. Then over the long run Jury trials will cost property owners a lot of money while tenants continue to reside in the property (likely) without paying rent, increasing the costs for a landlord to litigate the eviction, explicitly provides no way for the landlord to recoup lost legal funds and eventually will drive many small rental businesses out of business. 

Public Hearing:

Thursday, January 30th, 2025 at 1:30PM

Room 1525

What Can You Do?

Please use the following link to SUBMIT COMMENTS ONLINE FOR LB 101 and leave your comment for the Judicial Committee to express your OPPOSITION for LB 101 (see below for link)


Suggested Text:

You can copy and edit the below text.

"Senators, LB 101 changes the way evictions have occurred in the State of Nebraska for decades. The Landlord Tenant Act provides for an expedited trial process for residential evictions. According to the Nebraska Administrative Office of Courts and Probation’s Eviction Proceedings Bi-Annual Data Report for the period 1-1-2024 to 6-30-2024 there were 4,668 evictions filed in the State of Nebraska. 2,599 of these cases resulted in a Writ of Restitution, 932 by default. If you double this number to get a whole year of filings you get roughly 9,336 filings. If this bill passes you will get a tremendous increase in the burden of jury cases in the courts. Tenants will understand that their eviction will be delayed by many many months to get to a jury trial so they will be able to stay in a dwelling, many times without paying rent unless ordered to by the judge. It is not mandatory they pay rent waiting for trial but up to the judge’s discretion. Why would a tenant not ask for a jury trial if by doing so they get to stay in a dwelling for many months rent free? The effect of this law is that it will drastically increase the legal and operating costs to a landlord to evict a tenant and for many landlords it will force them out of business. You will drive out of business those “Mom and Pop” landlords that supply affordable housing and the landlord population will shift to big business landlords who have deeper pockets to withstand the high legal costs of doing business in Nebraska. Many of these big business companies are out of state and will more likely raise rents to pay for the high legal cost to do business here. This bill will assure that we have less affordable housing in this state. Senators, this bill does a disservice to tenants and landlords and I urge you to reject it. Thank you."

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1 Comment

This bill is designed to draw out the process of evictions in what seems to be a very costly way for the owners of property, and the county residents. Counties will have to pay for jury trials for evictions. As Judge Lowe from the Douglas County Courts is fond of saying in these hearings, 'is there any reason other than just not having the money that you did not pay the rent'. In every hearing I have attended, no one has an answer that has not been heard out before a judge and not considered by that judge. This is a waste of time and resources proffered for the sole purpose of delaying a process to allow someone tha…

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