About LB 185:
Provide for electronic notices by landlords under the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act and the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenant Act
MOPOA supports this Legislative Bill to ensure smooth operation of our business; timely communication with our tenants is paramount to efficient operations. Many of us operate electronically already, with this legislation we can do this coordination for maintenance and repairs legally!
Public Hearing:
Thursday, January 30th, 2025 at 1:30PM
Room 1525
What Can You Do?
Please use the following link to SUBMIT COMMENTS ONLINE FOR LB 185 and leave your comment for the Judicial Committee to express your SUPPORT for LB 185 (see below for link)
Suggested Text:
You can copy and edit the below text.
"Senators, MOPOA is an association of approximately 400 landlords that represent about 10,000-20,000 units and it supports LB 185. This legislation is needed to bring the Landlord Tenant Act into the 21st century. It is common knowledge that regular mail communication is relatively slow (hence the term “snail mail”) and sometimes unreliable in its delivery. Communication between landlords and tenants and management companies and tenants has been largely electronic for some time now. On line signatures for contracts and leases have been legal for several decades and most management companies and self managing landlords have the tenant sign leases on line. Many tenants have their rent paid by ACH from their bank accounts. For most management companies and many self managing landlords many work orders for repairs a tenant submits are accomplished and submitted by text or other electronic communication. The management companies I’ve talked to have stated this act would significantly improve their work flow and efficiency. It is only fitting then that the option for electronic notification be codified into the Landlord Tenant Act. Senators, please support LB 185."
